Lost Footsteps Kindle Book Giveaway Feb 8 to the 12TH at Amazon.com Daniel MacDonaldFeb 7, 20211 min readLOST FOOTSTEPS KINDLE EBOOK GIVEAWAY FEB 8TH - 12TH AT AMAZON.COMhttps://www.amazon.com/Lost.../dp/B08LQR15RX/ref=sr_1_2...
LOST FOOTSTEPS KINDLE EBOOK GIVEAWAY FEB 8TH - 12TH AT AMAZON.COMhttps://www.amazon.com/Lost.../dp/B08LQR15RX/ref=sr_1_2...
New Title in the worksI'm actively working on the new fiction novel that should be out in the first part of the new year. It will be a...
NEW FORMAT LOST FOOTSTEPS IN EBOOKI am very happy to post that the new format will be available soon, and both paperback and ebook will be listed on Barns & Noble and in...